Occlusal Disease Management System Part 1—Initial Diagnosis and Patient Education
On this part 1 of a 4-part series Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz explain the importance of understanding and diagnosing occlusal disease for our patients and our treatment well-being by using the 7 signs and symptoms of OD and techniques for patient education.
Occlusal Disease Management System Part 2—The Record Taking Visit & 3 Golden Rules
On this part 2 of a 4-part Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars Inc. series Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz describes the records needed to perform a simple, yet comprehensive, occlusal analysis in preparation for occlusal therapy and the very important 3 golden rules of occlusion.
Occlusal Disease Management System Part 3—Final Diagnosis & Principles of Equilibration & Trial Equilibration
On this part 3 of a 4-part series Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz describes the principles of trial equilibration and its importance for final diagnosis as well as principles for mouth equilibration.
Occlusal Disease Management System Part 4—Treating Occlusal Disease
On this part 4 of a 4-part series Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz describes the 4 levels of occlusal therapy from least invasive to most invasive as well as splint therapy and restorative solutions.
“I have attended other esthetic seminars and programs… Your course was the most inspiring! It was very well presented and organized.”
– Jan Michael Dacles DDS, Corona, CA

Dr. Mendoza Testimonial