Ready To Upgrade Your Dental Techniques? Consider Signing Up for Our Course in Adhesive Dentistry

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We are proud to show you how adhesive dentistry breaks all the rules when correctly applied. This state of the art approach revolutionizes dentistry like never before. We strongly believe that practicing adhesive dentistry along with a supra-gingival protocol is the answer to solving problems with your patient's smiles. We can't wait to show you how this works, since complete... read more »

The New Year Is the Perfect Time To Set Innovative Dental Advancement Goals for Dental Professionals

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Congratulations! You have made it through another year and 2023 is only just beginning! This is traditionally a time of year when we focus on making resolutions and setting goals to further our progress, and that includes professionally. If you are a dentist or orthodontist, we offer ongoing education classes to streamline your approach in a way that benefits your... read more »

Offering Continuing Dental Education to Dental Professionals With Proven Techniques!

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Our established Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars Inc. has been successfully offering continuing dental education courses in Studio City, California, as well as events all over North, Central, and South America since 2005. Our students take a deep dive into the innovative supra-gingival, minimally invasive dentistry approach during their time with us. These proven techniques... read more »

What Kind of Membership Benefits Can You Look Forward to When Taking Our Popular Courses?

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We are pleased to welcome you to our Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry and Ruiz Dental Seminars Inc. Since 2005, we have offered continuing dental education in Studio City, California, as well as other events held in North, Central, and South America. Our specialty is teaching supra-gingival, minimally invasive dentistry techniques to dentists that are also healthier for patients.... read more »

Sign Up for Our Occlusal Therapy Workshop and Change Your Patient’s Smiles for the Better

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Most people seek to prevent failing teeth so they can have them throughout their lives, whenever possible. That's why they take the time to brush and floss daily, visit their dentist twice a year and have root canals if necessary. But sometimes it isn't possible to keep teeth healthy forever because of what is known as occlusal disease. Occlusal disease,... read more »

Learn How To Better Help Your Patients While Growing Your Dental Practice With the Help of Occlusal Therapy?

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Over the years, we have heard from hundreds of dental professionals who have taken our Occlusal Therapy Workshop by Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz to further their dental careers. Dr. Ruiz's background and specialty are helping dentists understand the often complex subject of occlusion. Using his skills as a researcher and practicing dentist, Dr. Ruiz has the ability to take this subject... read more »

Eight Crucial Orthodontic Principles That Help You Know When to Straighten Your Dental Patients’ Teeth With the Help of Clear Aligners

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Welcome to the Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars Inc. online where Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz teaches dentists and their staff how to master supragingival, minimally invasive dental techniques. We are currently excited for our live and online workshop, Eight Orthodontic Principles, Understanding This Elusive Specialty, Improving Our Restorative Potential, to be held from 12pm – 5pm... read more »

Give Your Patients the Healthy, Adhesive Dentistry They Desire for Top-Notch Oral Health

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If you are available to take a one-day course and are interested in a supra-gingival minimally invasive dentistry approach, we still have openings for our lecture coming up in October in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz will be lecturing, and co-author of the book, Supra-Gingival Minimally Invasive Dentistry: A Healthier Approach to Esthetic Restorations, Dr. Ray Bertotti. How many times... read more »