Fall is right around the corner and dental practices are going to be busier than ever getting their patients' dental needs taken care of before the end of year dental insurance benefits run out. But fall is also a great time to take our classes if you are a dental professional and looking to provide even better care for your... read more »
Most people seek to prevent failing teeth so they can have them throughout their lives, whenever possible. That's why they take the time to brush and floss daily, visit their dentist twice a year and have root canals if necessary. But sometimes it isn't possible to keep teeth healthy forever because of what is known as occlusal disease. Occlusal disease,... read more »
Are you seeking to expand your dental skills with continuing education courses by learning innovative, leading-edge techniques that can not only treat but improve your patient's oral health? If so, you might benefit from our Occlusal Therapy Workshop held at the Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry in November. This 2-day workshop teaches you all you need to know about... read more »