Are you a dentist seeking better techniques to give your patients the healthier smiles they want? Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz has been assisting dental providers with highly-regarded continuing education courses in supra-gingival, minimally invasive dentistry. The Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars Inc. has the continuing dental education curriculum and resources you are looking for! Our experienced... read more »
If you are a dental professional and want to learn how to provide healthier dental restorations for your patients, we invite you to learn an innovative technique called supra-gingival dentistry. You will likely benefit from looking into our course, "Porcelain Onlays and Full Crowns Using Supra-Gingival Dentistry". This two-day workshop coming up in April of 2020 will revolutionize how you... read more »
At the Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry, we have been teaching dentists around the world our supra-gingival dentistry approach for many years. Led by Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz who pioneered this revolutionary field, this course has taught dentists how to use these minimally invasive treatment techniques to benefit their client's oral health and overall health. If you have completed our... read more »