An individual’s smile is often one of their most valuable accessory, and maintaining it for a lifetime requires a proactive approach to oral health. While brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups are essential components of good oral hygiene, there's an emerging technique that's gaining prominence in preventive care – Supra-Gingival Restorative Dentistry. Protecting the Gums Supra-gingival restorative dentistry focuses on... read more »
Are you a practicing dentist looking to boost your skillset? Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz offers you online streaming videos if you are looking for continuing education courses that will boost your practice and the health and wellbeing of your patients. The Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars Inc. located in Studio City, California, provides you with purchased... read more »
Our established Los Angeles Institute of Clinical Dentistry & Ruiz Dental Seminars Inc. has been successfully offering continuing dental education courses in Studio City, California, as well as events all over North, Central, and South America since 2005. Our students take a deep dive into the innovative supra-gingival, minimally invasive dentistry approach during their time with us. These proven techniques... read more »
If you are available to take a one-day course and are interested in a supra-gingival minimally invasive dentistry approach, we still have openings for our lecture coming up in October in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz will be lecturing, and co-author of the book, Supra-Gingival Minimally Invasive Dentistry: A Healthier Approach to Esthetic Restorations, Dr. Ray Bertotti. How many times... read more »
Making sure that your patients are educated on the risks of gum disease starts with providing them the knowledge to prevent the biggest cause of gum disease – gingivitis. Too often, people overlook the first symptoms of periodontitis – bleeding, red, and swollen gums. These symptoms are caused by gingivitis, or plaque buildup. It’s important, as a dental professional, to... read more »